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Ontario: Justice Minister David Lametti said that the government was seriously considering reforming Canada’s bail law after the premiers requested changes to it.

Earlier this year, provincial premiers unanimously called on the Liberal government to take immediate action to urgently reform the Bell system.

In a letter to the Liberal government, the premiers said they were often asked to come out and commit other crimes when the accused were released on bail, and that the bail law needed to be amended to prevent all this.

The premiers are demanding the federal government to ask why they should not be allowed to remain in jail when the accused seek bail for certain crimes related to weapons.

In a speech before the Canadian Bar Association on Thursday, Lametti said the proposed reforms would be discussed at a meeting with provincial justice ministers.

He said the Liberal government was serious about the provinces’ proposal to introduce a “reverse-ounce” system and could be considered for some weapons-related crimes. We should resolve such issues together.

Meanwhile, the federal Conservatives are also pressuring the government to seriously consider not granting bail to those who commit crimes related to weapons.

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