The wildfire situation is continually evolving, and the information below is current as of 7 p.m. (Pacific time) on Sunday, July 25, 2021.
For real-time updates on evacuation alerts and orders, visit:
For the latest wildfire information, visit:
- Wildfires currently burning in B.C.: 258
- Since April 1, 2021:
- 1,216 wildfires
- 414,262.04 hectares burned
- Active fires by fire centre:
- Cariboo: 39
- Coastal: 7
- Kamloops: 92
- Northwest: 4
- Prince George: 48
- Southeast: 648
Crews and equipment:
- Firefighters and other personnel currently fighting the fires: 3,278 (total, includes OOP and aerial support)
- Out-of-province firefighters: 72
- Helicopters and planes supporting ground crews: 198
Note: Out-of-province personnel numbers do not reflect all out-of-province firefighters currently in the province. Some are travelling, and this number reflects firefighters currently engaged in incidents.
- Evacuation Orders: 58
Evacuation Alerts: 83 (+2)
- Properties:
- Number of properties on order: 4,260 (-143)
- Number of properties on alert: 17,684 (+195)
- Orders and Alerts by Emergency Management BC region:
- Vancouver Island Central Coast: 0
- Northwest: 2 orders and 5 alerts
- Northeast: 3 orders and 15 alerts
- Central: 45 orders and 53 (+1) alerts
- Southeast: 8 orders and 8 (+1) alerts
- Southwest: 0 orders and 2 alerts